Millennials’ Bucket List

Millennials’ Bucket List

Dear millennials, have you ever looked back at your accomplishments in the past several months? What are your plans for the future? If you haven’t thought of it, why don’t you try making a bucket list?

A bucket list is a list of things you want to do before your life ends. Life is too short. You wouldn’t know when you are going to die. Making the best out of every day is a must.

Everyone should create their own bucket list, especially millennials. Millennials are those who were born in years 1980-2000. Millennials like to try new and unique adventures and experiences. They also love to have fun.

As a millennial, you could try listing up your plans for the future and make ways to realize these plans. Making a bucket list is not as hard as you think. It is planning what you want to become, to do, and to make in the future. It is having the positive mindset that someday, these plans will become possible. These are the tips I’ve searched on how to make your bucket list possible:

1. Set up deadlines.

Having specific dates for each goal is great. If you are planning to graduate on time, try writing a specific date for it. Remember that goals are dreams with deadlines. You cannot let one goal hanging on your list and forget about it.

2. Rank your goals.

List all your dreams and rank them. Which goal sounds easier to achieve? Writing a journal or vlogging? If you want to write a story, why not start it today? Ranking which goal you want to achieve first might help you to organize your bucket list.

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3. Limit your goals.

It is nice to have a lot of goals, but it is nicer to have them summed up. Goals that you think are related with one another can be combined. Having too many goals can confuse you and can sound like a burden to you. It may also be harder to rank your goals if you have lots. You can just add another goal if you have achieved one already.

4. Do your list in pieces.

There is no such thing as an overnight success. While it is possible to do some plans simultaneously, bigger goals can be done one by one. Time will come, you will reach all your goals. All you need is time management.

5. Lastly, schedule the gaps.

If opening a savings or investment account is included on your bucket list, when is it? And after months, what will be your next goal? If goals need so much time and effort, you must know the gaps between each goal. For example, if you are planning to travel abroad, how long would it be? It is setting a deadline for each goal.

6. Fund your dreams.


Of course, your bucket list won’t be possible if you do not have sufficient funds. Are you planning to retire early and visit beautiful places around the world? Can you finance it all in the future? Will you work for money or let your money work for you?

A successful millennial knows that having an active income is not enough. You should also have passive income coming from any business or, better, from investments. Only having savings in the bank cannot finance you all throughout the years. Your money does not grow in banks.

I recommend that you invest either in mutual funds or direct stocks. It should be part of all millennials’ bucket list. Know first your financial goals, your time, and your risk tolerance. This is the secret of businessmen in becoming rich and successful. But, please know fully the company you will invest in, or have a professional to do it for you.

We all have goals in the future. Having a bucket list and taking actions to make it possible might be a way for you to achieve your dreams.

Always put these three important things in your mind:

“Dream big” – no one, except yourself, limits you to dream high and imagine that someday you make it come true.

“Set goals” – know the goal you are aiming for because a dream is just a dream.

Lastly, “Take actions” – only you can make all things on your list possible. Remember that dreams don’t work, unless you do.

Walt Disney once said, “if you can dream it, you can do it.” My fellow millennials, let’s all make our bucket lists and achieve each of our goals. Always believe in yourself.


Contributing Writer:

Jazel F. Esquillo

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